A diptych of a waterscape acrylic painting. Two mural panels are set against each other, combining as a single piece. The line down the middle between the pieces may be there to indicate that they are separate. In the painting is a yellow, green and blue river containing multiple white rocks with blue shadows. To the side and in the background are vague plant forms, such as bushes and a shaded tree top.The water reflects the surrounding plant life., Cicadia #1; Jon Jay Cruson; E.O.C.I.; 64 x 48 inches; acrylic diptych, Jon Jay Cruson is a N.W. artist who grinds, draws, etches, and pulls his own prints from the lithographic stone - on a hand cranked late 1800's press. He is one of the few lithographic printmakers that has his own studio - and does the complete printing process by himself. He is also noted on the West Coast for his paintings. (Unknown, 1987), http://www.wlotus.com/JonJayCruson/default.htm, The Oregon Arts Commission has ten Regional Arts Councils that provide delivery of art services and information. The Council for this location is: Eastern Oregon Regional Arts. You may view their website at http://www.artseast.org/