Black and white image of sections of chicken wire attached to a wall. A jagged line, X's, O's, and shaded blue sections are also drawn on the wall and under the wire. A palm frond appears at the bottom. BAT.
Black and white image of a black piece of paper attached to a wall. Three strips of white paper are on the back paper. Jagged lines, various markings, and the words Flow Chart are drawn over the image. Edition: 3/15.
Black and white image of three pieces of paper attached to a wall. One is a piece of graph paper with the words Special Details. The other two are organizational charts. Several small drawings of airplanes appear on the papers and wall. Edition: 1/15.
Black and white image of a wall covered with small nails. Shadows of nails make check marks. Curved strip of paper attached to wall. Two X's made of string and nails cross wall. Edition: 6/15.
Black and white image of a strip of lined computer paper against a wall. Crossed by two horizontal rows of nails. Small drawings representing different colors attached to paper. Edition: 4/15.
Black and white image of a wall, on which hang two pieces of graph paper covered in various markings. A wire hanger hangs over one paper, and thumbtacks in the shape of a hanger cover the other. A string is taped to the top paper near a group of nails and the hand-written words Nail Check.
Color image of a wall on which check marks and X's are drawn. Attached to the wall are three airline boarding passes and a colored picture of a bird on graph paper. Groups of words are also written on the wall: Board, Bird, Chart, Check, and Forbid, Flight. Edition: 5/15.
Black and white image of graph paper attached to a wall. A length of string, paralleled by a drawn line, cross the paper. A jagged line resembling mountain peaks and small faces, including skull and crossbones, also appear on the paper and wall. Edition: 1/15.
Black and white image of a black piece of paper attached to a wall. Two curved sections are cut out, revealing the white background. Jagged lines, check marks, and the words nail check and flow chart are drawn on the paper and wall. Edition: 5/15