Three layers of imagery: Bronze Age figure with large headdress; three crude riders from the Iron Age; and more recent, crude frontal figure. On vertical surface of outcrop.
Boulder with lower section uncovered to reveal a large figure leading a loaded animal (horse?). Above, by another hand, a stag executed in Arzhan style and a figure riding a bull or horse.
Detail of three riders/hunters from the upper part of the panel, showing possibility of variation in the execution of images even when they may have been executed at the same time and by the same hand. Note the similarity between the three in terms of the postures of the riders and they manner in which they sit their horses.
Horse rider holding a weapon behind his back and the reins of his horse in his other hand. The degree of re-patination, the treatment of the horse's mane, and the apparent lack of stirrups indicates Early Iron Age.
One of three riders with other animals, pecked into sloping side of large, deeply scraped outcrop. Style and transitional patina indicate a Late Bronze or Early Iron Age date.