Deadwood Pioneer-Times newspaper. Contains articles discussing local and international events during World War II, 1945. Photo entitled, Yanks Parade in Paris, documents American soldiers parade in France following Japan's surrender.
Deadwood Pioneer-Times newspaper. Contains articles discussing local and international events during World War II, 1945. Topics include restrictions imposed on Hollywood film producers by the Parisian government, Japan's delayed response to the Allies' counter terms for peace, postwar manufacturing of nylon and production of gasoline.
Cover page from the Deadwood Pioneer-Times. Article entitled, Surrender Signed. Contains articles discussing Japan's formal surrender in World War II and President Truman's Victory of Japan Day proclamation for September 2, 1945. Photo entitled, Marines on Jap Soil, documents United States Marines at Japan's Futtsu Peninsula Fort.
Deadwood Pioneer-Times newspaper. Contains articles discussing local and international events during World War II, 1945. Topics include the coal famine in Europe and postwar increase in school enrollment in the United States.
Deadwood Pioneer-Times newspaper. Contains articles discussing local events during World War II, 1945. Shows advertisements for the Deadwood Theatre, Chen Yu toiletries, Gamble's washing machine, and Goodyear tires.
Deadwood Pioneer-Times newspaper. Contains articles discussing local and international events during World War II, 1945. Topics include elevator explosion in Port Arthur, Ontario, the raising of the Hawaii Mars flying boat, the United States' ceasefire demand for the Japanese government, and President Truman's proclamation for two-day postwar celebrations.
Cover page from the Deadwood Pioneer-Times. Article entitled, World War II Ends. Contains articles discussing local and international events during World War II, 1945. Topics include continued fighting of Allied Forces, United States Navy casualities aboard the Indianapolis vessel, and President Truman's proclamation for two-day postwar celebrations. Photo entitled, 60 Per Cent of Hiroshima Circled, documents the United States' atomic bomb attack on Japan.
Deadwood Pioneer-Times newspaper. Contains articles discussing local and international events during World War II, 1945. Topics include foreign trade, world economic recovery, and United States President Truman's recommendation to continue the military draft.