Green textile with lines of horizontal blue text that reads "JE DENONCE." There are several white circular emblems with the image of a woman holding her right arm in the air and her left in a fist at her chest with words "JE DENONCE" written in red coming out of her mouth. The text around the emblem reads "STOP AUX VIOLENCES SEXUELLES FAITES AUX FEMMES ET AUX ENFANTS ET VIHSIDA UTILISES COMME ARMES DE GUERRE EN R.D. CONGO. JOURNEE INTERNATIONALE DE LA FEMME" The image in the white emblems is also repeated in the beige colored horizontal border along the top and bottom of the textile.
Green pagne with yellow, red, blue, black and white pattern across the textile with the text "VIVE LA R.D.C. POUR L'UNITE JUBILE D'OR POUR LE DEVELOPPMENT" Text along the bottom of the textile reads "2010, LA R.D.C. FETE SON JUBILE D'OR LA R.D.C., RESOLUMENT TOURNEE VERS L'AVENIR", SOTEXKI (Textile Society of Kisangani)