Detail of scene to right of large bull: three archers, two with long bows, two with horned headdresses, one also with large quiver and daluur shooting at fine, parcelled goat on left. Crude goat and larger horse possibly done later.
Three layers of imagery: Bronze Age figure with large headdress; three crude riders from the Iron Age; and more recent, crude frontal figure. On vertical surface of outcrop.
Sloping surface of outcrop. Two archers with recurved bows. One archer wears a three-horned headdress. Above are two fine, darkly patinated and almost invisible elk. Below is a cruder elk, apparently the animal being hunted.
Shattered surface of outcrop covered with several layers of imagery: hunting scenes, chariot with horses laid feet to feet, one wheel overlaid by a large animal; and a large elk (upper right) which seems to have been pecked over an argali with elaborate horn.
Detail of small figure scratched and rubbed, possibly over a much earlier figure. Note dark, gouged upper section of long bow; trajectory of arrow gouged over an earlier animal; other elements, including a small deer (upper right) and possible lightly scratched recurve bow, upper left, over deeply incised marks. On upper section of ""Wild Bull Panel"" surface.
Detail with image of archer drawing his long bow. Note difference in pecking and patina between the archer and the goat on left; and note scratched-in rider to the right of the archer.
Hunting scene with two or three layers. The oldest scene includes small, fine animals and two archers; the second level includes the large archer on upper left drawing a re-curved bow and aiming at the large elk in center. The third level includes the small, whitish archers on the right and the probable re-pecking of the elk. On scraped, cracked outcrop.
Camel rider and two elk done in the Iron Age; on the left, a small rider drawing his bow toward an almost invisible caprid. On far left, an Iron Age caprid. Sloping, polished bedrock.