Large scene with frontal figures, variety of animals, several large water birds, and possibly two figures in combat above. On long, sloping surface with much of the pecking muted from wear.
Group of images including a hunter with horned headdress, bow, and throwing stone; a large yak; and four birds, possibly a kind of vulture. The stag is probably of a later time. On a sloping boulder in a high draw of the section.
Detail of large boulder, with hunter shooting to the left, flying birds, wolves and other animals. Here as on the other two large boulders covered with apparently narrative compositions, the pecking is worn and shallow, often difficult to read.
Monstrous bird, inverted and with long tail and large claws, overlaying bear pecked earlier in probable predation scene. Located on a ledge just over RA_PETR_TG_0032. Overlay.