Large crops of beans were handled with assistance from professional and business men. Their shifts lasted from 7-11 p.m.. County school superintendent L. C. Moffitt is shown here trucking bean crates.
The rubber vacuum tube in Jim Olson's hands carries a powerful suction generated by a motor-driven fan. As the end of the tube is moved rapidly back and forth among the vines, the cranberries are knocked loose and drawn into the machine through the vacuum.
Ed Castillo, 12, left, and Kent Bradshaw, 13, from Salem, walking with strawberry carriers. Ed picked 18 carriers and Kent 16 in one six hour day, at 42 cents per carrier. L.W. Scoggin Farm, Grand Island district of Yamhill County.
Robert W. Every, OSC Extenison Entomology Specialist is shown operating sprayer on sheep for ticks on a south Benton County farm. The nozzles were held close to the fleece in order to get skin deep penetration with the DDT solution. The sheep are loosely confined in a holding pen to facilitate spary coverage.