Detail of south side of large boulder: at the top, a camel rider with the clothing and bow of an Early Nomad; in front of him, a ram (his prey?) and a stylized stag attacked by a dog; behind him, what may be a birthing figure or copulating figures. Skin of the boulder is much darkened, varnished, and spalled from matrix.
Fractured bedrock with two massive silhouette aurochs on left, birthing woman visible between them; and massive outlined and fragmentary auroch on lower right.
Broken block with large frontal female, possibly birthing; several frontal figures with raised arms and horn-like projections on heads; silhouette argali. There are two modern inscriptions on the block, one in rough letters above, the other visible as a small ""m"". This block has now been lost, possibly destroyed in the course of road building.
Series of boulders all pecked by the same hand: representations of hunts with three hunters and many animals; on the sides of the boulders, at least two birthing women.