Complex scene: on left, two hunters shooting at a syncretic bull-deer; standing frontal woman. In center, two large yaks, one with load and both led by figures with bows who are being attacked by other archers. On boulder.
Three figures in uncertain action: two facing into the third. This group is on a large boulder, back of West Ritual Site, which is covered with now obscure images. The boulder appears to be one of three large boulders on this site, done at the same time and all seemingly reflecting a narrative content.
Scene of a caravan under attack. Note five children in basket on yak's back, frontal woman on far right, trajectories of arrows indicated by long lines. On scrapped and polished boulder embedded in slope.
Large fractured slab originally covered with scenes of hunting (on the sides) and a combat (top), perhaps indicating a tale regarding the battle for prime hunting grounds. Much of the hardened case has fallen off the stone.