Detail of scene to right of large bull: three archers, two with long bows, two with horned headdresses, one also with large quiver and daluur shooting at fine, parcelled goat on left. Crude goat and larger horse possibly done later.
Large hunting scene with small archer, a woman standing above and to the left (?), many animals including some finely pecked goats, below. On boulder with scraped, cracked surface.
Sloping surface of outcrop. Two archers with recurved bows. One archer wears a three-horned headdress. Above are two fine, darkly patinated and almost invisible elk. Below is a cruder elk, apparently the animal being hunted.
Boulder with several crude figures, scenes of hunting, and two carts, both with solid wheels. One cart has a driver with no apparent reins, the other has no driver.
Detail of boulder with many images. Note double caprids in center, plantigrade caprid above, elegant hunter and stag. Different patina of images does not necessarily indicate different dates, but the differences in style (of images and pecking) probably do indicate different hands/periods. In this case, the lower double caprid seems to be a copy of the upper one, done at a much later time.
Hunter drawing bow towards two large elk, one with internal spots. Other animals, some much lighter in patination but not necessarily done later. Hunter wears belted tunic typical of the Early Nomads.