This fire destroyed half the building, including most of Printing and Mailing Services' facilities and equipment. The Industrial Building was originally constructed in 1947 to house the Forest Products Lab. The destroyed portion was reconstructed and the entire building was renamed Cascade Hall.
Construction of the Horse Barn, December 11, 1924. The Horse Barn, built to replace the Octagonal Barn that had burned in September 1924, was very similar in style to the Beef Barn, constructed ten years prior. Both were designed by J. V. Bennes. The three men standing near the fence are D. J. Smith, of Washington State College; William J. Gilmore, Professor of Farm Mechanics at Oregon Agricultural College; and William A. Jensen, OAC's Executive Secretary. The barn, located on Campus Way between 30th and 35th Streets, was torn down in 1971.
Walter Schroeder, Coos County 4-H club agent, talks with Louise Johnson of Coquille, Oregon, who was president of her living organization during the 35th annual 4-H Summer School on the OSC campus. Walter G. Schroeder held several positions in the Extension Service including Extension Agent-at-Large, Lane County Extension Agent, and Coos County Agricultural Agent. In 1977, Schroeder became the Curry County staff chair.
Irrigation water being pumped from Willamette River at Kiger Island on the W. L. Powell Farm. The typhoon 2 1/2 inch pump has a 5000 gallon an hour capacity. It is driven by a 6 horsepower gasoline engine.