Boulder with lower section uncovered to reveal a large figure leading a loaded animal (horse?). Above, by another hand, a stag executed in Arzhan style and a figure riding a bull or horse.
East side of large panel with stylized deer. Above, a realistic stag; in the center, a highly stylized stag; and, below, where the earth has been cleared away, a pair of highly stylized deer. Red, broken surface of large outcrop.
Large hunting scene with small archer, a woman standing above and to the left (?), many animals including some finely pecked goats, below. On boulder with scraped, cracked surface.
Sloping surface of outcrop. Two archers with recurved bows. One archer wears a three-horned headdress. Above are two fine, darkly patinated and almost invisible elk. Below is a cruder elk, apparently the animal being hunted.
Crude archer drawing long bow in direction of a large stag attacked by two dogs or wolves; second figure approaches from the right. On boulder surface.