Detail of scene to right of large bull: three archers, two with long bows, two with horned headdresses, one also with large quiver and daluur shooting at fine, parcelled goat on left. Crude goat and larger horse possibly done later.
Section of ""Large Panel"" with two stags and a snow leopard, all by different hands and from different periods. The upper stag is from the Pazyryk Period, the lower stag has characteristics of the Tashtyk style, and the snow leopard is Iron Age. Deeply scraped, discolored horizontal surface.
Three layers of imagery: Bronze Age figure with large headdress; three crude riders from the Iron Age; and more recent, crude frontal figure. On vertical surface of outcrop.
Detail of RA_PETR_TG_0388, showing the way in which the small animal was pecked over the large elk and the differences between the large and small elk in pecking quality and patina.
Large hunting scene with small archer, a woman standing above and to the left (?), many animals including some finely pecked goats, below. On boulder with scraped, cracked surface.