Detail of rider on spiky maned horse, with dog. Larger spiky maned horse on the right may have been enhanced by scoring at a later period, and the horn of the goat on the left may have been repecked more recently. On high, scraped, and damaged surface.
Boulder with several crude figures, scenes of hunting, and two carts, both with solid wheels. One cart has a driver with no apparent reins, the other has no driver.
Herd of goats on two different sections of split boulder. Those above are probably earlier than the small group below. Note the treatment of some of the animals as if seen in a three-quarter pose. The vertical surface may delay the repatination of the images; thus the upper group may belong to the Early Nomadic Period.
Group of animals on sloping surface: contoured moose, horse, and argali represent very early layer; horse in upper left and deer in center represent a later layer.
Shattered surface of outcrop covered with several layers of imagery: hunting scenes, chariot with horses laid feet to feet, one wheel overlaid by a large animal; and a large elk (upper right) which seems to have been pecked over an argali with elaborate horn.
Detail of large surface: large elk that has been pecked over an earlier scene. Note that the elk and several of the smaller animals have been more recently retouched, and that a coiled horn above the elk's back indicates earlier images.