This silent black-and-white film was prepared under the direction of the College Editor, E.T. Reed, and received rave reviews from audiences in Corvallis and around the state. Filmed on 35 mm nitrate stock, it was transferred to 16 mm safety base film in the 1960s. Produced originally in two parts; this version combines portions of both and includes the following vignettes: Homecoming; Commerce Hall; Alumni Headquarters; Pushball game; Montana Grizzlies vs the Beavers in football; OAC Wrestlers Northwest Champions, 1925; OAC Basketball Team, 1925 Champions of the NW Conference; OAC Baseball Team, 1925 Champions of the NW Conference; Alumni Luncheon Picnic, 1925; Class of 1911 in reunion at flag pole (class gift); Chiming hall clock, a gift of the Silver Jubilee, Class of 1900; The Academic Procession from Library to the gym; and Commencement. It is 8:05 minutes long., Video is accessible here: