Woodmere School (Portland, Oregon)

Woodmere School (Portland, Oregon)
LC Subject
Architecture, American Architecture--United States
Woodmere Elementary School (Portland, Oregon)
Caine, Morton
Creator Display
Morton H. Caine (architect, 1904-1954)
This image is included in Building Oregon: Architecture of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, a digital collection which provides documentation about the architectural heritage of the Pacific Northwest. Oregon Historic Site Form. Prepared by Iris Eschen.
University of Oregon Libraries
Style Period
Northwest Regional
Work Type
architecture (object genre) built works views (visual works) exterior views public schools (buildings)
Portland >> Multnomah County >> Oregon >> United States Multnomah County >> Oregon >> United States Oregon >> United States United States
Street Address
7900 Southeast Duke Street
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Building Oregon
Primary Set
Building Oregon
University of Oregon
PPS Historic Building Assessment 2009
Oregon Historic Site Form Woodmere School 7900 Duke St Portland, Multnomah County block nbr: SEC lot nbr: R99 tax lot nbr: R33628 township: range: section: 1/ 4: LOCATION AND PROPERTY NAME elig. evaluation: eligible/ significant primary orig use: School secondary orig use: primary style: Northwest Regional secondary style: primary siding: Standard Brick secondary siding: plan type: School ( General) Portland historic name: Woodmere School primary constr date: 1954 secondary date: 1957 height (# stories): 1 total # ineligible resources: 2 ( optional-- use for major addns) current/ other names: Woodmere Elementary School ( c.) ( c.) orig use comments: prim style comments: sec style comments: location descr: assoc addresses: vcnty address: ( remote sites) siding comments: Red brick PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS farmstead/ cluster name: zip: total # eligible resources: 1 apprx. addrs resource type: Building NR status: RLS survey date: 6/ 24/ 2009 external site #: 296 ( ID# used in city/ agency database) survey project name or other grouping name comments/ notes: ILS survey date: 6/ 24/ 2009 Gen File date: SHPO INFO FOR THIS PROPERTY NR date listed: GROUPINGS / ASSOCIATIONS Optional Information 7900 SE Duke St Multnomah County ( former addresses, intersections, etc.) architect: Caine, Morton builder: NR date listed: ( indiv listed only; see Grouping for hist dist) 106 Project( s) PPS Historic Building Assessment 2009 Survey & Inventory Project East elevation Printed on: 10/ 14/ 2009 Page 1 of 4 Oregon Historic Site Form Woodmere School 7900 Duke St Portland, Multnomah County ARCHITECTURAL / PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ( Include expanded description of the building/ property, setting, significant landscape features, outbuildings, and alterations) HISTORY ( Chronological, descriptive history of the property from its construction through at least the historic period [ preferably to the present]) Summary Description Woodmere School is located at 7900 SE Duke Street in the Brentwood Darlington neighborhood of southeast Portland. The 5.53- acre campus consists of an h- shaped building ( 296A) built in 1954 and two portable classrooms buildings ( 296P1, 2). The Northwest Regional style school incorporates an interior garden to provide maximum light and ventilation to the classrooms. The wood frame building is clad in red brick. Moderately sloped gable roofs cover the single story building. Fenestration consists of grouped metal frame windows. Architectural Description Woodmere School is located at 7900 SE Duke Street in the Brentwood Darlington neighborhood of southeast Portland. Development in the neighborhood consists primarily of single family residences built between 1950 and 2000. The 5.53- acre campus consists of an h- shaped building built in 1954 and two portable classrooms builds. Recreational facilities include asphalt play areas located on the south side of the building and grass playfields situated at the west end of the campus. The Northwest Regional style school incorporates an interior garden to provide maximum light and ventilation to the classrooms. The wood frame building, clad in red brick, rests on a poured concrete foundation. Fenestration consists of grouped metal frame windows. Moderately pitched gable roofs cover the single story building. The use of overhanging eaves to shade the classrooms is illustrative of the Northwest Regional style. A distinctive element of the school is the covered play area on the east elevation. The broad roof overhang, supported by exposed glulaminated beams, is expressive of the desire to utilize structure and form to create functional yet architecturally distinctive spaces. The use of modern materials including stainless steel, plywood panels, steel columns, and glulaminated beams throughout the building is also characteristic of the post- war schools. The primary entry to the building is at the center of the courtyard. The primary public areas of the building including the administrative office, library, and auditorium, which are located immediately adjacent to the entry. A U- shaped double loaded corridor provides access to the classrooms. The walls of the corridors are covered in exposed brick, a composite wainscot, and plaster. Tubular fluorescent lighting fixtures are suspended from the ceilings. Flooring consists of a mixture of 6