The Scab Sheet, April 19, 1969

The Scab Sheet, April 19, 1969
LC Subject
Universities and colleges--Periodicals African Americans Women United Farm Workers of America College students
Page 1 The title page depicts Coach Dee Andros wearing a crown, with the body of a giant gorilla. One hand is holding a marionette, possibly depicting President Jensen, while the other hand is holding a chain from around the neck of a football player holding a sign labeled “Freedom Now!” The date, April 16, is crossed out, with 19 written underneath. (“19” is cut-off on copy). Page 2 “Baro Bites Again” The Daily Barometer editor is criticized for the firing of one of a star journalist. The journal was fired for an alleged “lack of journalistic integrity,” and the editor refused to cite a specific event or let the firing go before a review board. “University Racist” Citing an FBI investigation over the Black Student Union’s protest, it is revealed that the FBI considered the university’s policies and attitudes to be racist. “Angel Flight Digs Hair” Angel Flight, a female portion of the Air Force ROTC, is reported to have harassed a male student for his long hair, and the Student Activities Committee is criticized for failing to take action against the group. “Scabbers for Reeson” Making an exception to its policy of refraining from endorsing any ASOSU group, the Scab Sheet formally endorses David Reesor as Candidate for ASOSU President, followed by a posting of his campaign’s Statement of Policies. Continued on Page 5. Page 3 “[Faded word] Sucks” The Administrative Proposal is summarized and called worthless, largely because of the ineffectiveness of the Human Rights Commission. “Dee Andros Forms Coalition” After reporting that Black Student Unions throughout Washington have racially discriminated against black OSU athletes, OSU is criticized for creating a hostile environment for its black students. Continued on Page 4. [Note: there is no mention of a coalition formed by Dee Andros in this article.] Page 4 “Andros Coalition (cont’d.)” The critique of OSU continues. “Student Leaders Suck” Claims of mismanagement and improper preparation are used against Dave Zier, the student body president. He is accused of questionable actions during his politicking into the office. “Viva Grape Boycott” It is reported that the Student Friends of the United Farm Workers Organization was formed, and evidence in favor of the workers and against Safeway is given. [no title] The following quote is given: “BIG BROTHER: THE SCAB SHEET IS WATCHING YOU…” Page 5 “Reesor Statement of Policies (cont’d) ASOSU Presidential Candidate David Reesor concludes his campaign’s Statement of Policies. Continued on Page 6. Page 6 “Reesor Statement of Policies (cont’d)” ASOSU Presidential Candidate David Reesor concludes his campaign’s Statement of Policies. “Fertilize Your Mind!” A movement to remove English Professor Alan Young is questioned as a conspiracy due to convenient timing of complaints, which according to the Scab Sheet, are attempting to “raise issues for the sake of having issues.” This same instructor was looped with Dee Andros in a scathing article appearing in Vol. I, No. II due to the strict dress code imposed on his students. “Rock Rocks” As class is commended for its progressive content and organization as it teaches about San Francisco Rock Music, sponsored by the Honors Program and tutored by Professor Harry MacCormack of the English Department. “SAC Sucks” The Student Activities Committee is criticized for its censorship of an event run by SDS. Several accusations are challenged, and the committee is charged with acting before hearing a rebuttal to any claims. Page 7 “SAC Sucks (cont’d)” The critique of the SAC is continued as the Scab Sheet suggests that the SAC should be investigated. “Reesor Raps” ASOSU presidential candidate David Reesor accuses the Student Activities Committee of unfair treatment after threatening to take action through an injunction against the election to take place that same day. Reesor’s name was left off of the ballot. “DOODLING AREA” Sponsored by “XYZ,” an area is left blank, presumably for the reader to use for doodles. “WOMEN PLEA FOR EQUAL RIGHTS” The all-campus-sleep-out on April 25th is promoted. The sleep-out protests unequal treatment of women through the existence of a curfew for women. “TOTAL EDUCATION” The Scab Sheet promotes a new idea of education which requires the use of all five human senses to be utilized in the learning process. “THINK!!” A poem is printed: “Out of the libraries Stride the slaughterers. The mothers stand Clutching their children, and Stare searching the skies numbly For the inventions of scholars.” Page 8 “HAVE A HEART, DEE” While agreeing with the sentiment that improvements were made after the human rights controversy, the Scab Sheet claims that such improvements are only due to the black student population decreasing by half. Dee Andros is encouraged to “grow up” and grow a heart. “ROTC SUCKS” The Scab Sheet labels the military as obsolete and questions its existence at OSU. The ROTC program is accused of conditioning its students into mindless killers, labeling leadership as merely the ability to follow orders.
Scab Sheet Dee Andros Daily Barometer Administrative Proposal Grape Boycott ROTC
Work Type
alternative publications
Corvallis >> Benton County >> Oregon >> United States
No Copyright - United States
Dc Rights Holder
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center
Place Of Publication
Corvallis >> Benton County >> Oregon >> United States
Local Collection Name
Underground Newspapers (PUB 013-3)
OSU Special Collections & Archives Research Center Historical Publications of Oregon State University Oregon Multicultural Archives Oregon State University Student Protest and Underground Publications
Primary Set
Oregon State University Student Protest and Underground Publications
Oregon State University
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