Page 1: “The truth shall make you…” The Black Student Union tells its side of the story concerning its absence from an all-school convocation to discuss the events on campus. The BSU accuses the administration and the Barometer of using misinformation as propaganda against the BSU. Quip: “The rise of the Athletic Department to power has been a real Cinderella story. Every night at 12 o’clock, the Great Pumpkin turns into a coach.” Announcement of a 1 p.m. rally at the University of Oregon campus in support of the OSU BSU. Page 2: “Hold that line!” Continued boycott of classes is urged because of inaction in the OSU Faculty Senate to address human rights, despite appeals from the ASOSU Senate, the American Fedeartioin of Teachers, the Foreign Students’ Association, the Student Action Committee, and the Kennedy Action Corps. The Athletic Department is accused of caring about wins more than ethics, while the boycott is also encouraged to include athletic events. Page 3: “Portland State support…” Portland State University student body president Andrew Haynes, the first black student president at an Oregon college, voices his support of the boycott. “Faculty Stalemate…” A report of an emergency session of the Faculty Senate indicates that about 1000 students and faculty were disappointed when the Faculty Senate did not hold a vote after two hours of debating assistant professor Fred Cervantes’ proposal which would create a committee and suspend action taken against students involved in the boycott. “Boycott Progress Report…” A progress report on the boycott indicates that 67 professors joined the boycott, while 36 others support it but felt they could not join. Various other organizations in support of the boycott are also listed. Page 4: “EXCERPT IS FROM OREGONIAN, MAR. 1, BY W. HILLIARD” An Oregonian article explains the viewpoint of the BSU, and the larger issue of cultural identity. The article concludes with the time and location of the rally at the University of Oregon Campus mentioned on page one. “Beaver Coach Raps…” Various quotes and observations of Coach Dee Andros are compiled in an unflattering sequence. “Rally Tomorrow…” A student rally is advertised for the following day. Dick Jones, University of Oregon student body president, is advertised as a speaker for the rally.
Note: This is the first issue of the Scabsheet to address issues unrelated to the 1969 Black Student Union Walkout as it criticizes the use of computers for class registration. Page 1 The title sheet depicts a line of students waiting to enter OSU Computer Service. The exit sign is above a slot with people-shaped paper shooting out of it on to a stack, which is situated on a cart labeled “Programs.” The paper is made to represent the punch cards used in computer programming during 1969. Page 2 “Computer Registration Sucks” A new computerized registration format is criticized because, while helpful to the Registrar’s Office, prevents the student from choosing a preferred instructor in multi-section courses. The official policy is reprinted in full. Continued on Page 3. Page 3 “Computer Reg. Sucks (cont’d.)” The official policy is continued and labeled as “inhumane.” “The American Renaissance Symposium Exists” Quenching rumors of its non-existence, the American Renaissance is defended, while the Student Activities Committee is reprimanded for refusing to recognize its existence. Citing state policies, the symposium’s importance is defended. Continued on Page 4. Page 4 [no title] Defense of the American Renaissance Symposium and attack on the Student Activities Committee is continued. “Here We Go Again?” Citing an approved portion of the Administrative Proposal, actions of basketball and football coaches are questioned after members from both teams (race unspecified) are reported to have been informally suspended until adhering to grooming standards. The cases are reported to have been recommended to the Commission on Human Rights and Responsibilities. [no title] Famous quotes are altered and attributed to the Student Senate in a satirical attack. [no title] A poem uses satire to criticize the computers referenced in the Page 2.
Note: According to its publication date, this issue is the eighth issue to be published, however “Vol.I No.VI” is written on the cover (the font makes it look like Vol.II No. VII); however, the next issue claims to be number eight. To keep publication dates in order, we have relabeled this issue as VIII-A and issue VIII as VIII-B. Page 1 The title page depicts an ASOSU election ballot with such words as “conspiracy” and “smear” next to checkmarks. A large hand has stamped the word “FRAUD” on the ballot. Caricatures (identities unknown) are holding a pen and appear to have just voted on the ballot. Page 2 “ELECTION FRAUD” The recent student election for the ASOSU is called into question. Various prerequisites for positions are cited as examples of illegitimate proceedings involving students not matching the requirements for filled positions. The Student Activities Committee is accused of showing favoritism towards certain members of the administration. Also cited was the misprinting of some of the ballots, with some names left off. Other voter fraud is claimed. Continued on Page 3. Page 3 [no title] “ELECTION FRAUD” from Page 1 is concluded. “REESOR FIGHTS CONSPIRACY” Various obstacles of Reesor’s ASOSU Presidential campaign, mostly involving his eligibility, are recounted. Continued on Page 8. Page 4 “ASOSU ELECTIONS: 1969” The entire page is filled by drawings depicting various groups involved in the ASOSU elections in an unflattering mannor. Page 5 “ELECTIONS MUST BE HALTED AND INVESTIGATED” Dirty politics and prejudiced rules are accused of tampering with the ASOSU elections. Various candidates, both winners and losers, are paraphrased (although with no identification of the individual paraphrased) regarding the allegedly fraudulent election. Various specific allegations are made regarding the level of fraud in the elections. Continued on Page 7. Page 6 [no title] Artwork depicts the Athletic Department, Administration, MU Director, “Corrupt Student Leaders,” and their hand-picked candidate standing over a pile of students with such names as “student voice,” “smear,” and “invalidated students.” The picture is captioned “THE BEST MAN WON.” Page 7 “David and Lisa” The film by Contemporary Films and Young Film Makers is advertised. [no title] Continuation of “ELECTIONS MUST BE HALTED AND INVESTIGATED” on Page 5. Continued on Page 8. Page 8 [no title] Conclusion of “ELECTIONS MUST BE HALTED AND INVESTIGATED” from Page 7. “REESOR FIGHTS CONSPIRACY (cont’d)” Conclusion of article on Page 3.