Building Oregon

Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path System (Eugene, Oregon)

Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path System (Eugene, Oregon)
LC Subject
Architecture, American Architecture--United States
Bascom Riverbank Path System (Eugene, Oregon)
This image is included in Building Oregon: Architecture of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, a digital collection which provides documentation about the architectural heritage of the Pacific Northwest. site plan
Design Library, University of Oregon Libraries
Work Type
buildings, transportation open spaces public spaces public parks recreation buildings sports buildings paths footbridges walkways
Oregon >> United States United States
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University of Oregon
Building Oregon
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Building Oregon
University of Oregon
Autzen Stadium W ill ame tt e Ri ve r W ill am e tte R i ve r Willamet te River EASTGATE WOODLANDS WHILAMUT NATURAL AREA Ca n oe Ca nal Mi l l ra c e C an oe C an a l Pond GREENWAY PED/ BIKE BRIDGE Onyx St. Walnut Rd. WEST D ST. GREEN WAY Ca mpbe ll Rd. Mill St. Poltava St. Club Rd. Leo Harris Pkw y. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Centennial Bl vd. MAURIE JACOBS PARK RASOR PARK Day Island Rd. I N T E R S T A T E H W Y 105 Ferry St. Bridge Pat terson Slough Federal Courthouse 5th St. Public Hult Market Center Train Station Millrace Dr. Agate St. Franklin Blvd. Franklin Blvd. University St. SPR INGF I ELD EUGENE G l e nwo o d L a u r e l H i l l Va l l e y F a i rmo u n t Un i v e r s i t y o f O r e g o n We s t Un i v e r s i t y Do w n to w n Eu g e n e Ca l Y o u n g Ri v e r Ro a d Ha r l ow Autzen Parking Lot ISLAND PARK Beltline Rd. River Ave. Go odpasture Loop Cal Youn g Rd. Delta Hwy. Crest Ave. Park Ave. Northwest Expressway River Rd. Kingsley Rd. Pond Ln. Alexander Loop Polk St. N Grand St. N Adams St. N Monroe St. Madison St. Jefferson St. Washington St. Lawrence St. Lincoln St. Shelton- McMurphey Blvd. 3rd Ave. 1st Ave. Fir Ln. Railroad Blvd. 4th Ave. 5th Ave. 6th Ave. 7th Ave. 8th Ave. Broadway 15th Ave. 17th Ave. 11th Ave. 13th Ave. 18th Ave. 19th Ave. Alder St. Kincaid St. Charnelton St. Olive St. Willamette St. Oak St. Pearl St. High St. Patterson St. Hilyard St. Walnut St. Moss St. Villard St. Orchard St. Hayward Field MacArthur Court May n ard Ave. Copping Ave. Garde n Ave. Riverfront Pkwy. Valley River Center Marist High School OWEN ROSE GARDEN SLADDEN PARK Willagillespie Rd. SK IN NER B U TT E PARK North Bank Path East Bank Path West Bank Path South Bank Path Oakway Center Country Club Rd. Coburg Rd. Oakway Rd. Garden Way Goodpasture Island Rd . Delta Po nds MILE 1 MILE 1 MILE 2 MILE 5 MILE 1 MILE 2 MILE 2 MILE 3 MILE 4 MILE 1 MILE 0 MILE 0 MILE 3 MILE 4 Owosso Dr. Howard Ave. Formac Ln. St ult s Ave. OWOSSO PED/ BIKE BRIDGE DEFAZIO PED/ BIKE BRIDGE AUTZEN PED/ BIKE BRIDGE MILE 2 ALT O N B AKE R PA R K KNICKERBOCKER PED/ BIKE BRIDGE N 500 Ft. 1/ 4 Mile 1/ 2 Mile 1 Mile Parking Information Kiosk Restroom/ Drinking Fountain Shelter Playground Boat Launch Playing Field Community Garden Points of Interest Pre’s Trail West Bank Path ( 2.10 mi.) South Bank Path ( 4 mi.) East Bank Path ( 2.8 mi.) North Bank Path ( 5 mi.) On- Street Connections 1/ 4 Mile Marker Roads Pedestrian/ Bike Bridges Paved Paths Dirt or Gravel Paths Bicycle Access West Bank Path ( 2.10 Miles) South Bank Path ( 4 Miles) Viewing Platform, Overlook River House Community Center Owen Rose Garden Climbing Columns RiverPlay Discovery Village Playground Skinner Butte Summit Lamb Cottage Shelton- McMurphey- Johnson House Campbell Community Center EWEB Public Plaza Prefontaine Memorial Park East Bank Path ( 2.8 Miles) Delta Ponds Wildlife Viewing North Bank Path ( 5 Miles) Duck Pond Pre’s Trailhead Hays Tree Garden Cuthbert Amphitheater Park Host Dog Off- Leash Area Science Factory BMX Track The Riverbank Path serves a wide variety of users. Following a few common sense tips can keep it fun and safe for everyone to share: Be respectful of all users Use bike lights when dark Keep right, pass left Slower traffic has the right- of- way Bikers use audible warnings when passing Control and clean up after your dog Bikers use safe speeds at all times Do not block the path Hays Tree Garden Off- leash area Shelton- McMurphey- Johnson House Photo courtesy of City of Eugene Recreation Photo by Vern Rogers 15 18 8 connections The Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path System is one of the best known and most well- used portions of Eugene’s parks and open space system. This 12- mile path lines both sides of the Willamette River from the Willie Knickerbocker Bridge just west of I- 5 to the Owosso Bridge just south of Beltline Road. We hope this map will help you discover this path’s easy connection to many of the recreational, cultural, and historic destinations that make Eugene unique. River Recreation – River House Community Center The Willamette River provides the perfect mix of tranquil and rapid waters for enthusiasts of all skill levels. If you want to explore on your own, you can find non- motorized boat launches at several locations including Alton Baker Park. However, if you are looking for experienced guidance and outdoor opportunities of all kinds, stop by the City of Eugene’s River House Community Center located along the South Bank Path. Information: ( 541) 682- 5329 Delta Ponds Herons, bald eagles, and Western pond turtles are just some of the wildlife that call Delta Ponds home. Located along the East Bank Path, wildlife viewing areas provide amateur to avid bird watchers the perfect vantage point. Come discover the natural beauty in the heart of our urban environment. Willamette River Habitat Enhancement An ongoing major restoration project is helping reconnect Delta Ponds with the Willamette River to improve habitat and offer fish, such as juvenile Chinook salmon ( below), a safe place to grow before returning to the river. The Legacy of Community Advocacy Continues This path system has recently undergone several wayfinding enhancements thanks to the efforts of Eugene Parks Foundation volunteers and generous local sponsors. In partnership with the City of Eugene their initiative, The Riverloop Connection, provided new mile markers at every quarter- mile along the system’s four path segments, map and interpretive signs at 13 locations, and this comprehensive hand- held map. A special “ thank you” to Pete Powers and Scott Wallace who designed this map and to the UO InfoGraphics Laboratory for their early guidance. This effort would not have been possible without support from the following dedicated community members: Community Partner REI Wayfinder Eugene Marathon Eugene Water and Electric Board Jerry’s Home Improvement Center Dr. Mark and Mary Jewell OBEC Consulting Engineers The Register- Guard Sacred Heart Medical Center SELCO Community Credit Union Valley River Center Wells Fargo Milemarker AAA Oregon Jon Anderson & Family Babes on Broadway Dr. John & Ruth Bascom Rick Bronson Jane Dods Michelle Emmons Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce Eugene Parks Foundation Eugene Running Club Eugene Running Company Full City Coffee Roasters & The Palace Bakery Greater Eugene Area Riders ( GEARs) Janice & Terry Gould Jim & Helen Jackson Gus & Bonnye Keller Carolyn & Dean Kortge Lane County Chapter UO Alumni Association Darryl & Candice Larson Market of Choice McMenamins North Bank Pub Jeff & Mary Miller Don & Lynn Morris Just a Few of the Highlights The Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path System connects an incredible array of natural beauty, unique amenities, wildlife, and resources. A few of the highlights you will encounter are: Whilamut Natural Area Located along the North Bank Path, the Whilamut Natural Area covers 237 acres of open space in the east section of Alton Baker Park and is preserved for passive recreation and wildlife habitat. Whilamut is a Kalapuya word that translates into “ where the river ripples and runs fast.” You may notice several young native trees along the river that were planted by City of Eugene Stream Team volunteers. Information: ( 541) 682- 4850 Pre’s Trail Legendary long- distance runner Steve Prefontaine envisioned a European style soft surface path for runners and encouraged local officials to create such a trail in Eugene. Since its dedication in 1975, the trail has been supported by the ongoing efforts of the Oregon Track Club. Pre’s Trailheads can be found at multiple locations within Alton Baker Park near the North Bank Path. Skinner Butte Park Eugene’s first and premier riverfront park, Skinner Butte Park, is located along the South Bank Path. A visit here offers a glimpse of Eugene’s history as it is home to Eugene Skinner’s original land claim, phenomenal views of the city from the top of the Butte, and recreational climbing opportunities on the west face of the Butte at the Climbing Columns. RiverPlay Discovery Village Playground The Eugene community created this one- of- a-kind, inclusive, award- winning playground to bring children in touch with Eugene’s unique history and culture through creative play. Located along the South Bank Path within Skinner Butte Park, it is a destination for children of all ages and abilities, including the young at heart. Owen Rose Garden The award- winning Owen Rose Garden is located along the South Bank Path and is home to over 4,500 roses of more than 400 varieties. Making the garden even more spectacular is a majestic Tartarian cherry tree, planted in the 1860s and believed to be the oldest of its species in the nation. Decades of Vision This path system was brought to reality through the efforts of former Eugene Mayor Ruth Bascom and a collaboration of community advocates over the last 40 years. A combination of public planning, funding, and a growing statewide commitment to preserving the Willamette Greenway allowed construction to begin in 1971. By 2003 the final connecting link of the 12- mile system was completed, and the system was dedicated as the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path System. Brian & Karen Obie Oregon Medical Group Oregon Track Club Masters Suzanne, Gretchen, & Geoffrey Rodkey Paul Roline, Mike Buckridge, John Morris, & Don Peting Kitty & David Piercy Rexius Inc. Spirited Walkers Marathon Team Jim & Kathy Torrey Track City Track Club Jennifer Ulum & Timothy Gleason Villard St. Pub Alex & Clare VonderHaar Steve & Linda Wheatley Bill & Mary Zier Welcome to the Riverbank Path 10 Photo by Vern Rogers Photo by Tom Bodhi Reeves Photo courtesy of City of Eugene Recreation Photo by Vern Rogers Photo by Vern Rogers Photo by Ellen Toneys Whilamut Natural Area Skinner Butte Columns Pre’s Trail Owen Rose Garden RiverPlay Delta Ponds River House Look for the numbered diamond symbols on the map to locate these features on the Riverbank Path. EWEB Plaza Photo by Vern Rogers Photo by Pure Blue Design This project was funded in part by Oregon State Lottery funds. 14 14 2 4 5 3 2 12 12 4 5 3