A group of Native Americans, including two men and a child, pose in front of a tipi. They are wrapped in blankets with geometric designs. There are bare trees in the background.
A wooden bridge with railings over a stream. In the background are trees, and a mountain range is visible in the distance. The stream has been identified as Meacham Creek.
On the Umatilla Indian reservation at Thorn Hollow, three tipis sit in the woods on the banks of a stream. There are some clothes spread on the bushes by one of the tipis. Behind the encampment is a river. On a gravelly bank logs lie on the ground. In the background is a hill with a fallen log.
Two tipis stand in front of deciduous trees that have no leaves. Behind the trees is a hill. The tipi on the left has smoke coming out of the top. Farther back and to the right of that tipi is a light-colored horse. The horse does not have a saddle, horse blanket or bridle on. To the right of the tipi on the right is another light-colored horse. This horse has a bridle and horse blanket. There are also other objects on the horse's back that are perhaps hides. In between the horse and the tipi is a pile of hides.
A stream, some utility poles, railroad tracks, and fences cross a small valley. The valley has deciduous trees that don't have their leaves and a few conifers. Hills are in the background and the photo seems to be taken from above the valley. In the right foreground of the photo stands a tipi. In the middle to the far left is another tipi. There is a third tipi in the middle of the photo which stands to the right of the other tipi. This one is almost completely obscured by trees. The tipis in the middle of the photo both have a smaller wooden structure next to them. The words "Thorn Hollow" and some other indistinguishable words are written in the bottom left of the photo.
A landscape shot, showing a canvas tipi in a clearing in front of a woodsy area (deciduous without leaves and conifers) and a small pond or creek. In the background is a hill or mountain.